“Even if I’m not here, I’ll always be with you in spirit” - Victor Nikiforov

YOI for Gaza

This is a fan run fundraising event for @Care For Gaza. We are not officially associated with CareForGaza or the anime YOI. This is run by fans for the greater good.Want to help? Here's how! Make a donation to CareForGaza and fill out an Donation Form to commission a piece of fanart or fanfiction from one of our lovely collaborators. Send in proof of donation (with no personal information attached/viewable) and we'll fulfill your prompt for you.Cost:
$5 USD for one SFW art/fanfic
$8 USD for one NSFW art/fanfic
Important Note: Each prompt is worth one donation, so that people may donate as much as they wish to, with $5 and $8 being the minimum for certain types of prompts. For multiple separate prompts, please send proof of each donation. One donation does not count for multiple prompts. We require this in order to keep organization and matching as simple as possible.CREATOR SIGN-UP: you may enter/fill our volunteer form between the dates of May 13th to May 20th.DONATORS: the event itself runs from May 21st to June 10th.Volunteers will have from June 11th to July 8th to finish prompts.If there are any changes, we will alert you on our Twitter if these change/s happen.

F.A.Q1. What exactly is this?This is a fan run fund raising event for the Care For Gaza charity, which is an organization that helps displaced Palestinians in their time of need. One of the beautiful things about YOI is that we are an international fandom about an international story in a world without hate, and in that spirit we would all like to come together to help Palestinians anyway we can. To learn more (as well as donate!), please take a look at the official twitter @CareForGaza.2. How can I join/participate?There are two ways to help! You can volunteer and create art, and/or you can donate and receive art for charity! Both options will come with a form for you to fill out that will identify what kind of art you would like to create and/or request, as well as any other information needed to make art matches.3. What sort of art can I request? And how detailed/long can I expect said art/fic to be?This event offers fanfiction, fanart, podfic, .gifs/graphics, or a cosplay photo. How detailed/long the art will be will depend on the artist/writer in question and their workload. To avoid burn out and overwhelm, we don't encourage anyone to go too overboard with their prompts. In general, we encourage at least a simple sketch/flats or around a 1k word count. Podfic is offered at about 2k words for $5USD. Anything above and beyond is up to the artist/writer/etc. in question and their workload.4. How do I donate? And how much should I donate to request a prompt?To donate, visit the Care For Gaza GoFundMe and make your donation there. Remember to save proof so that we may have evidence of donation when you fill out your donation form.As other gotchas have done, we will be offering Safe For Work art for $5 USD, and NSFW art for $8. (Or the USD equivalent in whichever currency you use.) Of course, you may donate much more than this if you like. These are just the minimum monetary requirements for a prompt. If you do donate more than the requirement for a single prompt, be sure to specify whether you are seeking out a SFW or NSFW prompt in the form to avoid confusion.5. Are there any restrictions for prompt content?Nope! Request whatever you like, this is a no judgement zone. If you are worried about receiving art (tropes, ships, etc.) you personally dislike, there will be a section in the request form that allows you to list anything that you wish to avoid, and we will do our best to ensure we match you with someone who will deliver.If it turns out your request cannot be matched to anyone, we will contact you ASAP to ask if you would like to use a different prompt.6. I'm a minor. Can I participate?Of course, but we please ask that you do not request or offer to complete any art that contains graphic sexual content. Please be honest about your age in order to help us protect everyone involved. If you are a volunteer, we will be forced to boot you if we find out there has been an age evade. If you are a donator and your prompt has not been fulfilled yet, we will cancel that particular prompt and offer you a chance at asking for something else that is more age appropriate.7. What is the timeline?The chance to volunteer will be between the days May 13th to May 20th. The donation event itself starts May 21st and will end on May 28th. Afterwards, volunteers will have up to two-three weeks to complete their prompts (approx. May 29th to June 19th. If we receive far more prompts than expected, this timeline may be subject to change. We will keep you updated on our twitter account.8. I'm a volunteer. How much time do I have to complete a prompt?Ideally speaking, after the donation period has ended, volunteers will complete their prompt/s two to three weeks afterwards so as to be timely. However, as we know the world is what it is and circumstances happen, needing extra time (or passing a prompt onto someone else if you cannot complete it after all) is perfectly allowed. Please just let us know that you need extra time or that you cannot complete a prompt ASAP so that we may course correct.9. I don't have a twitter/tumblr/etc. account. Can I still volunteer/donate?Yes! You don't need any particular social media to participate. We will simply need an email to be able to contact you.10. Can I request/complete multiple prompts?Absolutely! You may request and/offer to complete as many as you like. But if you are requesting, please keep each request as their own separate donation so as to help us stay organized.11. May I request something unrelated to Yuri on Ice?Not in this event, but there are other fandom gotchas for gaza events that are also occurring right now. The @YuriOnIceAction twitter will help signal boost them as they come up. Please check them out if you are interested.12. I have a question not listed here.You can contact us over on @YuriOnIceAction, at our email [email protected], or contact or a mod on the YOIaction discord.

CareForGaza is a charity that helps displaced Palestinians and their families with receiving access to food, medicine, and other important needs crucial for survival. Palestinians are currently being forced across and out of their homeland with extreme violence and genocidal tactics by the occupying Israeli government. To learn more, as well as see what your donation is doing on the ground, please check out the @CareForGaza twitter account, as well as the GoFundMe pageAny and all donations are greatly needed and encouraged - a little goes a long way, especially when we all come together to show Palestine our support!